Enjoy this sweet video of us playing one of our favorite songs, “Thank You Bruce Lee.”
“The way to transcend karma lies in the proper use of your mind and will. The oneness of all life is a truth that can be fully realized when all false notions of the separate self, Whose destiny can be considered apart from the whole, Are forever annihilated. ” -Bruce Lee
Presenting our third video, “Thank You Bruce Lee,” in the Let Us All Be Home Video Series. We have taken a series of videos at Caitlyn’s childhood home and created this series to pay homage to all of the hard work, dedication, and love that has brought each of the individual VOWLS together in this moment. As we take inspiration from the Dragon himself, Bruce Lee’s legacy has shown us that with simple ideas, directness, perseverance and love we can do anything. Like water we adapt, change and grow continuously in our effervescent sound. We hope you enjoy this video.
We are going to be hosting an EP/Mixtape Release Party on Nov. 2nd
Check out our Google Calendar for details.