Banjo-Uke Surgery

I installed a new pickup in the banjo uke with a fully mounted jack.  I had to drill through this most precious of instruments, and then I even had to counter sink the jack a little so it would fit through the banjo uke rim. The triple transducer pickup did seem to slightly mute the banjo acoustically, but we actually thought that it sounded a bit nicer with a little more mellowness.   I took a short video after the surgery was a success to show off the new pickup 🙂



(V)owls Excited to Play at First Magnitude Brewing on July 29th 2017 7pm-10pm

The (V)owls are excited to be having a show at First Magnitude Brewing (FM on FB) on July 29th 2017 7pm-10pm. You can sample some delicious frothy beverages while enjoying the soul soothing summertime sounds of the (V)owls, on what is sure to be a swampy Gainesville evening. We are excited to bring three sets of music to you and to fill your evening with goodness.

Upcoming Shows at First Magnitude – Saturday July 29th 2017

(V)owls is very excited to be playing at First Magnitude Brewing on Saturday July 29th 2017 in Gainesville FL

This venue is beautiful, has room for the kids to play and best of all delicious beer. Please come out and support both First Magnitude and (V)owls.

Also On July 8th, 2017 Our friends Funky Miracle with Josh Lederman and Vowl’s Russ Tyndall will be playing at First Magnitude as well

104.9 Radio Interview 2017-06-15

The (V)owls were recently interviewed live on the radio on our local Gainesville’s Talk 104.9. We discuss our band and our recent album “Is That The Little Dipper” which we recorded at SkyLab studios in Gainesville.

A very special thanks goes out to Dave Johnson for arranging it and Going Rogue with Jon Branch and Jay Rogue for having us on and doing the interview! You guys made all our momma’s cry (in a great, mom is proud of her kids on the radio kinda way)